Would You Rather Be Listened To or Fixed?
Sometimes, we feel that the best thing to do when someone tells us about their lives is offer our best advice to fix it. But if you pause for a minute and ask yourself, has that ever really worked? You would see that the answer is no. However, if you just sit and listen to a person, you will be astounded by how good they will feel after the conversation, and so will you.
If you want to help someone, don't try to fix them, just listen.
Do you find yourself not wanting or even unsure of moving forward in your dating life because of a past relationship. Then this may...
Today, we explore how you do not have to be perfect, life is messy. We are all going to go through hard times, it's...
Today's episode explores what happens if we let go of our what we thought our life was supposed to be, and just show up...